In the Media: Meditation for all ages

IndyBOOMER connects IndyBOOMER Magazine, BOOMER TV and BOOMER Radio providing useful information to Baby Boomers living in the Indianapolis metropolitan area and beyond. EmoZen founder Krista Anderson recently appeared on the show which focuses on upbeat and positive...

Authentic Connection: My journey to a deeper level

Living in this world today, this world of faster, better, bigger…MORE… environment, can leave us feeling alone, less than…even lost. At times, God forbid, it can bring on the darkness of suicide. What is it that brings fulfillment to those people who seem to...

What does it really mean to forgive?

The word ‘’forgive” can be quite the trigger word for people who have been traumatized. Especially for adults who were abused as children. For these folks, to forgive their abusers requires a lot of internal healing before even considering whether they want to forgive...

Are you and your therapist a good match?

Picture this: You’re sitting in your therapist’s office, in an uncomfortable chair gripping the edges of it thinking in the uncomfortable silence as your therapist taps her pen against her notebook waiting for you to spew out something for her to write down. You’re...