Its shroud slowly and surely engulfs
Like a slow moving fog.
The difference this time is that
I Confidently disappear into it,
Letting it take me
I no longer need my eyes
In sadness’s foggy shroud
Here, in this space,
I need my heart.
Seeing with my heart
allows me to know the sun still shines
in this foggy place
Even though I have disappeared inside this
Shroud of sadness
And can no longer see
It is ok because
Sadness and I have become
old and trusted friends
When I befriended sadness,
I learned my dark friend,
Gets lonely, too
Eventually the sun burns away its foggy shroud
Until then
I trust
I sit
I feel
I love
I am one
I won
But of course I did
Love always wins
I am love, and I am friends with Sadness.